Distributed Generation

Distributed Generation

Generate electricity on-site and benefit from higher energy efficiency and lower exposure to peak-demand rates. 

Distributed Generation (DG) describes onsite electricity generation.  Electricity generated at or near the site where it will be used is more reliable, more cost effective, and delivers more environmental benefits.   

Incentives from SCG

The Connecticut Department of Public Utility Control (DPUC) is offering incentives to businesses that implement distributed generation projects. Businesses may choose among several incentives, depending on their needs. One option you may select is lower natural gas charges from SCG. For more information, please review visit State.ct.us/dpuc or call our Natural Gas Sales Department at 855.926.4427.

Standby and Emergency Power

Given increasing pressure on the power grid it is increasingly important for some businesses to have back-up power capabilities.  Having on-site generation in place reduces the risks associated with outages and decreases exposure to high peak-demand electricity prices.

Environmental Benefits

Distributed Generation can help the enviroment, as no energy is lost over longer power lines.


Two out of every three dollars of fuel used to produce electricity ends up as wasted heat.  However, by generating electricity onsite, your business may be able to use that heat and save money on your heating and cooling requirements.  Examples of combined heat and power technologies include engine-driven generators, microturbines, and fuel cells. 

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