Operation and Maintenance Program

Operation and Maintenance Program

Improve Equipment Efficiency 

This program is one of several innovative solutions offered by the Connecticut Energy Efficiency Fund, an Energize CT partner, and Connecticut’s regulated natural gas utilities. The program is administered by Connecticut's utility companies.

Operation and Maintenance Changes Can Result in Real Savings

Inadequate maintenance can often lead to drastic energy losses from air and steam leaks and from poorly insulated lines. Effective operation and maintenance is a cost-effective tool for commercial and industrial customers who want reliability and energy efficiency built into their electric and natural gas equipment and systems. Through this program, customers can improve the electrical and thermal efficiency of their operations by changes and repairs, rather than through capital investments. This is a program with lasting benefits – providing the knowledge and the means to maintain equipment efficiency on an ongoing basis. Now, with Connecticut Energy Efficiency Fund support and its partnership with Connecticut’s regulated natural gas utilities, you have the financial assistance that will enable you to determine your energy future and make decisions based on advanced technology and techniques and on what will benefit your organization long term.

Review the 2024 Project Caps & Incentives for what is currently covered.

 Who’s Eligible?

  • Commercial, industrial, or municipal customers.
  • Customers who need to identify energy inefficiencies and opportunities to their HVAC and industrial production systems. Program is not intended for normal preventive maintenance and repetitive procedures or to subsidize major equipment purchases.
  • Eversource or UI customers can participate in electric energy-efficiency measures.
  • Customers of SCG, CNG  or Eversource who purchase natural gas on a firm commercial or industrial rate can participate in gas energy-saving measures.

How Does the Program Work?

Utility company energy experts will work with your design professional, contractor or your facilities group to identify opportunities for O&M improvements at your facility. Based on the findings, the utility can review your proposal and help you quantify the savings achievable from those changes.

The program uses an incentive strategy. After the assessment, your program administrator will prepare a Letter of Agreement (LOA), an up-front, monetary commitment which gets signed prior to you implementing your O&M measures. The LOA will detail all the agreed upon energy-efficiency measures, the predicted energy savings, and the anticipated incentive dollar amount. Incentives will pay for up to 50 percent of the installed cost of the measures. At the end of the project, the measures are verified and your organization receives the incentive check. It’s as simple as that.

The financial incentives will help get your project completed the right way. The energy-saving benefits will continue on, month after month. 

The following list is only a sample of the energy-efficiency opportunities available. Each facility is unique. However, some of the more common O&M measures are:

  • Improvements to compressed air systems, such as repairing leaks or installing solenoid valves that automatically shut off air supply to machines when they are not running.
  • Repairs or conversions of economizers to comparative enthalpy control.
  • Repairs or replacements of leaking steam valves in air handlers to eliminate false loading of chillers.
  • Rewiring of lighting circuits for more efficient switching.
  • Maintenance of the facility’s energy management system including reprogramming and replacing defective sensors, relays and actuators.
  • Replacement of small air motors and compressed air-driven bin vibrators with electric motors.
  • Repairs or replacement of defective steam traps.
  • Custom measures not listed above.

For more information call 877.WISE.USE (877.947.3873).

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