Meter Reads

Meter Reads

Estimated Billing Reads

If you have received an automated call from SCG stating "We are unable to read your meter,” you can call SCG to avoid an estimated bill.  Please contact SCG Customer Care at 800.659.8299 to report your meter reads.  Please see below on how to read your gas meter.

If you call within 2 days of your scheduled meter read date, the reads you provide will be used for your bill.  If you call more than 2 days after your scheduled meter read date, you will likely still receive an estimated bill.  However, SCG may complete a rebill if the reads you provide us show that the estimated bill was not accurate.

Your prior gas bill shows the next scheduled meter read date in Your Account Information:


How to Read Your Gas Meter

On a natural gas meter, the dials represent the amount of natural gas measured in volumes of hundreds of cubic feet (ccf), the lower amounts are to the right. The natural gas meter has either four or five dials, and one or two test dials that you may ignore.

The basic rule for reading a meter is that when the pointer is between two numbers, always read the lower number. When the pointer is between 0 and 1, zero is the lower number.

Remember that the pointer is always moving toward the larger number, so when the pointer is between 9 and 0, zero is really representing 10. Therefore 9 is the lower number. If it is difficult to tell if the pointer has passed a number or if it is still approaching the number, refer to the dial next to it on the right. If the pointer on the dial to the right has passed zero, read the higher number. However, if the pointer to the right has not yet passed zero, read the lower number.


Example of a Meter Reading

Read the dials from right to left and record the numbers in the same order as the dials.


  1. The pointer on the first dial to the right is between 6 and 7. Remember the rule is to read the lower number. The reading is 6.
  2. The pointer on the second dial from the right has passed 4 but hasn’t reached 5. Read it as 4.
  3. The pointer on the third dial is directly on 8. The reading is 8.
  4. The pointer on the fourth dial is very close to 0 but is still between 9 and 0. Remember that 0 represents 10, so the lower number is 9.
  5. The pointer on the fifth dial appears to be on 1; however, the pointer on the dial to its right has not passed 0. Therefore, the correct reading is 0.
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