Budget Billing

Budget Billing

Manage Your Monthly Bill With Budget Billing. Pay the same amount every month.

With Budget Billing, we will bill you for an average monthly gas cost based on your actual annual use. You may enroll in this FREE service if there is no past due balance on your account.

How Budget Billing Works

Your Monthly Bill Shows Where Your Budget Billing Stands – Your Budget Billing Summary helps you to track your payments versus energy use by showing your:

  • current month’s budget plan payment,
  • actual charges since you started your budget year,
  • budget amounts billed since you started your budget year,
  • difference between your actual charges and the budget amount billed each month, and
  • month that your budget year ends (i.e. true-up month).

Periodic Adjustments Keeps You on Track – Throughout the year, we’ll review and adjust your Budget Billing as needed to help you avoid a large balance or credit at the end of your 12-month period.

Enroll Anytime – You can enroll any time if your balance is $0.00. To enroll, please call us at 800.659.8299 or login to My Account

Who is Eligible – You may enroll in this FREE service if you are a heating customer with no past due balance on your account AND you have 12 months of billing history.

Increase at Any Time – With My Account you can view where your budget billing stands and increase your budget amount if you anticipate that you will be using more energy. Your increase will take effect on your next bill.

Cancel at Any Time – You can cancel this plan at any time.  Any credit owed to you or amount due to us will be reflected on your next bill.

Even Easier – Many customers who enroll in Budget Billing also choose AutoPay to assure their Budget Bill is paid on time, each month. If your account is past due, Budget Billing automatically ends, and you will be responsible for the full account balance on your next bill.

Automatic Re-enrollment – At the end of each budget year you don’t have to do anything to stay on the plan, we’ll renew it automatically!

Other Fees Not Included – Additional fees (e.g., Service Plan charges) will still need to be paid in addition to your Budget Billing payment. 

Annual Reset

Each Budget Plan is for a 12-month period. Your true up bill will occur on your August statement regardless of when your budget billing plan was set up. To eliminate surprises during the true-up month, we strive to estimate your monthly budget as close as possible to your actual usage and conduct periodic reviews. You may also increase your budget amount at any time based on your own review of your usage.

If your actual total gas energy costs were less than the total budgeted amount, the difference will be credited in your 12th payment.

If your actual total gas energy costs were more than the total budgeted amount, the balance due will be added to your 12th payment.

Getting Started

Just login to My Account, you’ll immediately find out what your monthly budget amount will be, and with three easy clicks will be enrolled. Your enrollment will take effect with your next bill.


Already enrolled but want to make changes?

Log into MyAccount to increase your monthly Budget Billing amount or cancel your plan. It's easy, convenient and available 24/7.  Or call 800.659.8299 and speak to one of our Customer Care representatives.


With Budget Billing, there are no surprises. You can spread your energy costs evenly over 12 months and know what your bill will be in advance!

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